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oracle – 如何在PL / SQL中对关联数组进行排序?

发布时间:2021-03-05 03:13:56 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个像这样的关联数组: continent_population('Australia') := 30;continent_population('Antarctica') := 90;continent_population('UK') := 50; 如何在PL / SQL中的值之后对此数组进行排序?谢谢! 解决方法 您不能按值对关联数组进行排序,但您必须


continent_population('Australia') := 30;
continent_population('Antarctica') := 90;
continent_population('UK') := 50;

如何在PL / SQL中的值之后对此数组进行排序?谢谢!



以下是从Sorting PL/SQL Collections开始适用于您的案例的示例.请查看该文章了解详细信息.

/* The sorting is done with SQL thus these types have to be SQL types. */

create type sortable_t is object(
  continent varchar2(32767),population number

create type sortable_table_t is table of sortable_t;

  type continent_population_t is table of pls_integer index by varchar2(32767);
  continent_population continent_population_t;

  i varchar2(32767);

  sorted sortable_table_t := sortable_table_t();
  /* Populate original data. */

  continent_population('Australia') := 30;
  continent_population('Antarctica') := 90;
  continent_population('UK') := 50;
  continent_population('USA') := 50;

  /* Convert to a helper data type that is used for sorting. */

  i := continent_population.first;

  while i is not null loop
    sorted(sorted.last) := new sortable_t(i,continent_population(i));
    i := continent_population.next(i);
  end loop;

  /* Show that the content is not sorted yet. */

  for j in sorted.first .. sorted.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(sorted(j).continent || ' = ' || sorted(j).population);
  end loop;

  /* Sorting with SQL. */

  select cast(multiset(select *
                       from table(sorted)
                       order by 2 asc,1 asc)
              as sortable_table_t)
    into sorted
    from dual;

  /* Show that the content is now sorted. */

  dbms_output.put_line('Sorted by value:');
  for j in sorted.first .. sorted.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(sorted(j).continent || ' = ' || sorted(j).population);
  end loop;



Antarctica = 90
Australia = 30
UK = 50
USA = 50
Sorted by value:
Australia = 30
UK = 50
USA = 50
Antarctica = 90

