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发布时间:2022-04-14 14:38:28 所属栏目:安全 来源:互联网
导读:#!/usr/bin/ruby -w =begin quite simple connect scanner in ruby Shows open (reliable), close and filtered. But the reliablity of the last two states depends of course on firewalling and the timeout interval you can set down. Uncomment or co
        #!/usr/bin/ruby -w
      quite simple connect scanner in ruby
      Shows open (reliable), close and filtered. But the reliablity
of the last two states depends of course on firewalling and the timeout
interval you can set down. Uncomment or comment states you want or don't
want to get printed on the screen.
*supports scanning mutiple hosts/IPs (like www.heise.de,www.gulli.com)
*supports multiple ports(like 12,45,53,165),ranges(like 20..85) or one single
port(like 80)
*support a ports file like http://insecure.org/nmap/data/nmap-services (just
clean it with | grep /tcp ..)
require 'socket'
require 'timeout'
class Scanner
def initialize
@hosts,@ports = Array($*)
def portarrange
case @ports
when /^.+[..]/
@ports = @ports.split("..")
@ports = @ports[0].to_i..@ports[1].to_i
when /^.+[,]/
@ports = @ports.split(",")
@ports = Array(@ports)
Timeout::timeout(10){TCPSocket.new(host, port)}
rescue Timeout::Error
# output("closed",port)

