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发布时间:2021-11-30 21:30:50 所属栏目:教程 来源:互联网
导读:第一种方法: 复制代码 代码如下: select *from ( select Url,case when Month=01 then 1月 when Month=02 then 2月 when Month=03 then 3月 when Month=04 then 4月 when Month=05 then 5月 when Month=06 then 6月 when Month=07 then 7月 when Month=08 t

复制代码 代码如下:
select *from ( select Url,case when Month=01 then '1月' when Month=02 then '2月' when Month=03 then '3月' when Month=04 then '4月' when Month=05 then '5月' when Month=06 then '6月' when Month=07 then '7月' when Month=08 then '8月' when Month=09 then '9月' when Month=10 then ' 10月' when Month=11 then '11月' when Month=12 then ' 12月'
end month,Quality from (
select Url,DATENAME(M,AuditingTime)Month,SUM(Quality) Quality from tb_order as a left join tb_WebSiteInfo as b on a.WebSiteInfoID=b.ID left join tb_OrderList as c on c.OrderID=a.ID where AuditingTime>'2013-01-01' and b.ID>0 and Auditing=2
group by Url,DATENAME(M,AuditingTime) )as h ) as hh
pivot ( sum(Quality) for month in([1月],[2月],[3月],[4月],[5月],[6月],[7月],[8月],[9月],[10月],[11月],[12月])) as a
复制代码 代码如下:
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ',' , '') + '['+CONVERT(varchar(7),AuditingTime,20)+']'
from tb_order as a left join tb_WebSiteInfo as b on a.WebSiteInfoID=b.ID left join tb_OrderList as c on c.OrderID=a.ID where AuditingTime>'2013-01-01' and b.ID>0 and Auditing=2
group by CONVERT(varchar(7),AuditingTime,20) print @sql declare @sql2 varchar(8000)='' set @sql2=' select *from (
select Url, CONVERT(varchar(7),AuditingTime,20) AuditingTime,SUM(Quality) Quality from tb_order as a left join tb_WebSiteInfo as b on a.WebSiteInfoID=b.ID left join tb_OrderList as c on c.OrderID=a.ID where b.ID>0 and Auditing=2
group by Url, CONVERT(varchar(7),AuditingTime,20)
) as hh pivot (sum(Quality) for AuditingTime in (' + @sql + ')) b'
print @sql2


